2020 Advocacy Letters
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
- NAACOS letter calls for changes to Direct Contracting's financial methodology, stopping Geographic option
- NAACOS writes CMS on implementation of the ADT-sharing requirement
More than 500 ACOs, health systems, and medical practices ask Congress to freeze Advanced APM bonus thresholds at their current levels
- NAACOS and 18 other organizations ask Congress to freeze Advanced APM bonus thresholds at their current levels
- NAACOS writes CMS Innovation Center on ways to improve rural-focused ACO model
- NAACOS letter calls on CMS and SAMHSA to provide ACOs access to substance use disorder claims data
- NAACOS and nine other leading health care organizations ask CMS to not finalize quality proposals in the MPFS rule
- Letter from NAACOS urges CMS to not implement unilateral changes to the Next Gen trend for 2020
- NAACOS submits comments to CMS in response to 2021 proposed MPFS rule
- NAACOS and other leading organizations send letter requesting Congress support value-based payment through COVID stimulus
- NAACOS endorses the Protecting Access to Post-COVID-19 Telehealth Act of 2020 (H.R. 7663)
- NAACOS and 12 other leading organizations support the Value in Health Care Act
- NAACOS writes Taskforce for Telehealth Policy on the need to expand telehealth use in ACOs
- NAACOS Comments on Health System Resilience RFI
- NAACOS supports expanding telehealth coverage after the COVID-19 public health emergency in two letters
- NAACOS letter supports Next Gen extension and asks for further program modifications to protect ACOs in response to COVID-19
- NAACOS provides detailed comments in response to CMS rules with COVID-19 policies affecting ACOs
- NAACOS urges swift action to extend the Next Generation ACO Model and announce plans for the future of the Direct Contracting Model
NAACOS asks FCC to expand eligibility of the COVID-19 Telehealth Program
- NAACOS and eight other leading healthcare associations send comment letter to CMS requesting additional ACO protections in response to COVID-19
- NAACOS and seven others urge CMS to count diagnoses obtained from audio-only telehealth services for risk adjustment purposes
- NAACOS and others urge HHS to expedite rulemaking around sharing substance use disorder record
- NAACOS and others ask Congress for assistance for providers serving Medicare Advantage beneficiaries
- NAACOS and others ask CMS to accelerate CPC+ payments in response to COVID-19
- NAACOS responds to the 2020–2025 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan
- NAACOS and nine others ask House and Senate leaders for relief from COVID-19 response
- NAACOS and nine others ask CMS for relief from COVID-19 response
- NAACOS and 13 others write Congress to address telehealth during the COVID-19 public health emergency
- NAACOS joins letter supporting reintroduced bill that modernizes substance use disorder privacy law
- NAACOS Calls on CMS to Address MACRA Implementation Issues
- NAACOS calls for changes to Direct Contracting and seeks more information
- NAACOS Urges CMS to Remove Beneficiary Notification Requirement for ACOs
- NAACOS joins 28 others in urging the publication of a final rule promoting interoperability
- NAACOS’s views on patient privacy and health information technology
- NAACOS supports passage of the Social Determinants Accelerator Act (H.R. 4004)