Health IT and Data
Health IT
- CMS publishes guidance and FAQs on implementing the admission, discharge, transfer (ADT) notification final rule from May 2020
- NAACOS writes CMS on implementation of the ADT-sharing requirement
- NAACOS Applauds New Medicare Requirement on Hospitalization Alerts
- NAACOS on-demand webinar: Leveraging CMS Data - Taking Advantage Upcoming Opportunities to Help Your ACO's Work

- Joint letter to CMS asked the agency to finalize requirement to share ADT feeds with some changes
- NAACOS responds to request for information on requiring hospitals to share Admissions, Transfer and Discharge data as a Condition of Participation in Medicare
- NAACOS supports coalition efforts to require sharing of ADT feeds
- CMS finalizes rule around discharge planning
- NAACOS explains how CMS’s eligibility check system can benefit ACOs and care coordination
- NAACOS submits comments in response to CMS’s Request for Information on Establishing a Healthcare Sector Innovation and Investment Workgroup
- NAACOS provides detailed recommendations to CMS on how to enhance program reports and files
- NAACOS supports coalition efforts to require sharing of ADT feeds