NAACOS Boot Camp Agenda
General Information | Registration
NAACOS BOOT CAMP: Mastering Your Benchmark, Risk, and Data for Financial Success
FEB 12
1:00 pm
On-site Registration
2:00 pm
60 minutes
Introduction Speaker: Randy Cook, AmpliPHY of Texas ACO, LLC
- Welcome
- Set goals for workshop
- Review basics:
- Compare and contract ACO Models
- Define risk and risk taking
- Discuss attribution basics
3:00 pm
15 min break
3:15 pm
120 minutes
(75 min presentation, 45 min lab)
Understanding the Benchmark Calculation Speaker: Elena Tkachev, Collaborative Health Systems, subsidiary of Wellcare; Jill Herbold, Milliman; and Colleen Norris, Milliman
- Benchmark formula, by model
- Review of benchmarking methodology
- Influenceable elements vs non-influenceable
- Population attribution
- Eligibility mix
- Cost trending
- Claims timing
- Regional vs National
- Renewing ACOs
LAB – Calculate multiple benchmark scenarios by providing alternate inputs
5:15 pm
15 min transition time
5:30 pm
60 minutes
Cocktail hour for networking
FEB 13
7:30 am
8:00 am
120 minutes
(75 min presentation, 45 min lab)
Breakfast and networking
Risk Scores and Risk Adjustment Speaker: Andrew Webster
- Understanding the CMS Risk score formula
- Use for MA plans and ACOs
- Key inputs
- Timing of changes
- Measuring and managing risk scores
LAB – Provide population data and calculate the impact on benchmark of varied Risk Score Scenarios
10:00 am |
15 minutes |
Coffee break
10:15 am |
120 minutes
(75 min presentation, 45 min lab)
Getting and Using Your Data Speaker: Michael Weiss, Populytics; Lehigh Valley Health Network Thomas Kloos, Altantic MSO
- Using Beneficiary Reports and Files
- Interpreting Quarterly Utilization and Trend Reports
- Part A vs Part B spend
- Public Use Files
- HCC Data
- Monthly Claim Files and CCLF
LAB – technical assistance with data and reports
12:15 pm |
45 minutes
Lunch with peer-to-peer networking and learning
1:00 pm |
120 minutes
(75 min presentation, 45 min lab)
Putting the Pieces Together for Financial Success Speaker: Stephen Nuckolls, Coastal Carolina Quality Care
- Reviews and synthesizes information on benchmarking, attribution, risk adjustment, using data
- Key elements for a successful strategy
- Common pitfalls and how to avoid
LAB: Develop strategies for success and action plans to implement back at your ACO
3:00 pm |
30 minutes
Wrap up Speaker: Randy Cook, AmpliPHY of Texas ACO, LLC