October 6, 2017
Washington, D.C.
For Immediate Release: 

NAACOS Analysis Shows ACOs In Top MIPS Performance Tier 

Today, the National Association of Accountable Care Organizations (NAACOS) is sharing results of its analysis of ACO performance in the Quality Payment Program of the Merit Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) created under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015. Working with NAACOS, the firm of Dobson | DaVanzo modeled the Alternative Payment Model (APM) scoring standard rules applicable to ACOs in MIPS and applied historical Track 1 ACO quality data to project 2017 ACO MIPS scores and their corresponding payment adjustments in MIPS. The analysis found that all 2017 Track 1 ACOs are likely to score well above the MIPS performance threshold, and most above the MIPS exceptional performance threshold, thereby receiving a positive MIPS payment adjustment. However, the overall ease at which MIPS clinicians may earn positive adjustments, coupled with budgetary restraints, indicates that most payment adjustments may be relatively small, ranging from 0.4 percent to 2.6 percent of qualified providers’ Part B expenditures. 

NAACOS is the largest association of ACOs, representing more than 3.72 million beneficiary lives through 260 Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) ACOs, Next Generation, and commercial ACOs. NAACOS is an ACO member-led and member-owned non-profit organization that works on behalf of ACOs across the nation to improve the quality of Medicare delivery, population health and outcomes, and health care cost efficiency.

ACOs commitment to quality improvement is clear. An August 2017 HHS Inspector General’s report also found that Medicare ACOs improved performance on 82 percent of individual quality measures compared to their baseline and outperformed fee-for-service providers on 81 percent of quality measures. This analysis is further proof that ACOs’ hard work and dedication to quality improvement is paying off and should be rewarded by CMS.

About ACOs
The ACO model is a market-based solution that relies on local groups of physicians, hospitals and other providers who are responsible for the total cost of care for their patients. ACO providers must work together to improve health care quality, enhance patient experience, and reduce costs.  

NAACOS is the largest association of Medicare ACOs, representing over 3.7 million beneficiary lives through 250 MSSP, Next Generation, and Commercial ACOs. NAACOS is an ACO member-led and member-owned non- profit organization that works on behalf of ACOs across the nation to improve the Quality of Medicare delivery, population health and outcomes, and health care cost efficiency.