NAACOS Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 6, 2018
The National Association of Accountable Care Organizations (NAACOS) is expanding its policy and communications teams as the nation increasingly looks to ACOs as a way to improve quality and hold down health spending. Former POLITICO journalist David Pittman has joined NAACOS to assist with policy and communications, and law firm Polsinelli has been hired to lobby Congress and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for favorable ACO policies. ACOs, groups of providers who are incentivized by Medicare and commercial health plans to work together to lower cost and improve care, have continued to increase in number over the last decade. As the largest association representing ACOs, the nonprofit NAACOS counts more than 330 Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) ACOs, Next Generation Model and commercial ACOs as members. NAACOS was founded in 2012. HHS Secretary Alex Azar has stated one of his priorities is to advance value-based care, and the Trump administration is reviewing new regulations for ACOs. More information on these additions: David Pittman will work as health policy and communications advisor, helping advance the organization's federal policy work while providing policy-related media strategy. Pittman most recently covered health care and health technology policy for POLITICO, including Medicare payment innovations and ACOs. Polsinelli, whose Washington office represents an array of health-minded clients, was retained this summer by NACCOS to advance policies to continue to spur the growth of ACOs, including the ACO Improvement Act (H.R. 4580). Polsinelli's team will work to persuade Congress and the administration for other positive changes.